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File Created: 25-Apr-1989 by Gregg Stewart (GS)
Last Edit:  28-Feb-1991 by David G. Bailey (DGB)

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Name MOUNT GODDARD Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092O021
Status Showing NTS Map 092O04W
Latitude 051º 12' 41'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 58' 02'' Northing 5673777
Easting 432440
Commodities Copper, Silver, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

Disseminated and veinlet copper mineralization is exposed adjacent to a granodiorite intrusion in an area of complex faulting at the base of Mount Goddard. Volcanic flows and tuffs of Lower Cretaceous age have been thrust over interbedded sediments and volcanics of older Lower Cretaceous Taylor Creek Group rocks. The Taylor Creek rocks consist of pyroclastic basalts, andesitic breccia, volcanic sandstone, greywacke, argillite and dacitic tuff. A porphyritic granodiorite stock and related dykes of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex cut both rock units and appear to cut the thrust. Northwest-trending faults also cut across all lithologies.

Propylitic alteration is widespread and argillic alteration and intense silicification occur locally in the fault zones. Prominent limonitic zones have developed over the fault zones and adjacent to the intrusions. Both disseminated copper mineralization in fractures and quartz veinlets related to the porphyritic intrusion, and pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization in fault zones occur in the area. The pyrite-pyrrhotite zones in fault zones may be hornfels alteration related to the nearby intrusives. The highest copper values are up to 1.76 per cent with other samples containing anomalous silver (9 grams per tonne), molybdenum (0.003 per cent), and mercury (0.00034 per cent) (Bulletin 81).

EMPR OF 1986-4
EMPR FIELDWORK *1985, pp. 265-274; *1986, pp. 231-243
GSC OF 534; 2207
EMPR PFD 673307, 673311